

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Dimpled Ass

I have recently acquired a taste for very spicy Caesars. I'm drinking one right now in fact. Perhaps it is even the reason why I've finally decided to post.

So...there seems to be something seriously wrong with me. I know, I know, this was already quite obvious right? But the last couple of weeks or so have seen the kicking of my dimpled ass. My legs are swollen and bumpy and red and sore. I don't know what it is but I've considered some pretty awful things like cancer, tumours, blood clots and more. I've gone to the doctor twice in a week and had about 7 viles of blood drained from me for testing. My doctor's office called me at work and told me to come in on Monday. The receptionist was so uninformed and tactless, she actually said to me "dr. wash wants you to come in on Monday to see Dr. Keeling so he can remove...whatever it is you have". Nice. I have no idea what I have. Nor was there any discussion with my doctor about having something removed. So...this kind of worries me. But I guess I will find out on Monday right?

Anyway, I am currently listening to Cat Power on I love the way this website works but they have recently imposed their listeners with advertisements. This is not cool. Uninterrupted stream of music - that's why I like Internet radio. Why Jango? Why???

So, it's 11:38 and I'm feeling pretty buzzed (which usually means sleepy for me) from this one Caesar, so it's not looking so good for fitting in some writing before bed. But I shall give it a try, until I get distracted again by something on the evil Internet. Wish me luck.

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